On Being:

Dr. Lara Pence


Helping Executives | Entrepreneurs | and Elite Athletes Optimize Performance; Founder of LIGHFBOX


“Here’s what i believe with every fiber of my being: we all have a unique contribution to make on this planet. in order for us to show up fully in the way we were meant to, we have to be clear on how we think, what we feel, and where our beliefs come from. period. it actually isn’t complicated. know yourself, become more.”

LIGHFBOX: Thought Experiment


Name and experience that you had as a child that you wish had a different outcome. Write down what the actual outcome was. Then, in one sentence, write how the outcome you wished format have changed your course in life had it happened.


Dr. Lara Pence

Your mind will expand beyond your wildest dreams. It’s uncomfortable at times, but you’ll be inspired to “become more.”

“We don’t have a lot of time on this planet. And when people come to me for help, whether it’s because they are depressed, anxious, being outperformed by colleagues or fellow athletes or competitors, unhappy in their marriage, or falling into the abyss of addiction, I want to get sh*t done.”

  • Dr. L’s main source of influence comes in the work that she does with her clients. She works primarily with executives and elite level athletes, helping them to optimize their performance and cultivate their strengths.

  • The LIGHFBOX app is an on-the-go resource for round-the-clock opportunity for curiosity and self-reflection. Daily questions and prompts help build the superpower of self-awareness and emotional intelligence:

  • The original LIGHFBOX 180° is a box filled with cards that help each individual build mental strength, grow curiosity, and increase emotional awareness. Each card is equipped with an intention and a prompt to help guide the process of self-exploration.

  • CNBC’s new show, No Retreat: Business Bootcamp, stars Joe De Sena as he and his team, including Dr. L and Qu’Harrison Terry. In each episode, this trio provides advice and expertise through difficult physical challenges to help companies take a look in the mirror and make the difficult decisions to change and achieve success for their business.

  • As the Chief Mind Doc at Spartan, Dr. L helps the organization and it’s customers make the connection between doing tough physical challenges and building a more resilient mindset.

  • 10 Rules for Resilience: Mental Toughness for Families

    “…Why do so many parents struggle to finish things we start, delay gratification, and protect our health—and why do our kids continue to struggle in every facet of life? Because we haven’t showed them a path to resilience, and we haven’t fought for it ourselves…

    … It takes True Resilience to approach overwhelming situations with calm and confidence, to not get rattled, anxious, or angry, and even to embrace failure, setbacks, and redirections.

    • Visit Dr. L’s Website to order this book that she co-authored with Joe De Sena.


Dr. L’s Journal

Read Dr. L’s Journal On Belonging as she writes openly and honestly about her personal journey and discovery of her own sense of belonging after becoming a Mother. Along the way she asks poignant questions about the notion of belonging that I think will elicit a wide range of answers.

“I sailed through with only fond memories and magical nostalgia that waited for me whenever I returned home to visit. Belonging was never an issue. It was easy because I belonged in the most superficial of ways - I blended in.

But in 2010 when my body produced another human and I stepped wobbly into the world of motherhood, belonging showed up on my doorstep like an unwanted stranger who immediately took residency in the spare bedroom. The first few months of motherhood were… dare I say it publicly… easy…”

  • Dr. L's Thought Experiment

    A special Addition Humans On Being


    Different schools of thought exist regarding how we begin to interpret the world around us. Some studies report that infants are able to recognize their parents just a few days following birth while others report that true recognition doesn’t come for months. Many agree that the first year is often spent making sense of how I, as baby, am separate and different from you, as parent. I would argue that our entire existence is spent making sense of this, How am I, as Dr. L, separate and different from you, as sibling, friend, colleague, stranger, spouse. There are perhaps the more perceptible external differences - hair color, height, race - and also the more hidden internal differences - what you value, what matters to you, what you feel. Oftentimes, if we dig deep enough we can call up times when we first encountered difference, moments when we realized that we were the ones that didn’t fit nicely in the matchbox or that we did and someone else didn’t. Calling up these moments provide a gateway for curiosity around how these small, seemingly insignificant snippets in time may have shaped your interpretation of difference in a massive way.



A master tool for self-reflection.

“Transformative questions are asked every day behind the closed doors of a therapy office. every. single. day. i just put those questions in a box so everyone can have access.” - Dr. L


“We don’t have a lot of time on this planet. And when people come to me for help, whether it’s because they are depressed, anxious, being outperformed by colleagues or fellow athletes or competitors, unhappy in their marriage, or falling into the abyss of addiction, I want to get sh*t done.” -Dr. L

  • What is the impact of prioritizing humanness at work?

  • What does it mean to really endure? How does psychology help you take perspective?

  • How do you understand your own negative self-talk?

  • How do you problem-solve through the lens of curiosity and innovation?

“here’s the truth: with great rigidity comes great breakability. there are a lot of people who show up to my office wanting to change but not interested in putting in the work to do so. why? because it’s hard. taking an honest look at your past, present, and future can be painful. but curiosity is the most effective catalyst for change. “ - Dr. L

